Menu: Navigation - Browse by theme - Advanced search - Quick search - Object details


Page header:

The header is the horizontal band found at the top of every page of the site. Clicking on the logo and/or museum title in the header takes you to the museum's home page.

Navigation bar:

The navigation bar provides the main tools to help you navigate easily through the web pages of a collection.

On the "Search results" and "Object details" pages, triangular "previous" and "next" buttons and are displayed according to your context and the number of objects that match your search criteria. Also displayed is a text input box allowing you to go directly to a specific page or object in the list of search results.

Links to "Browse by theme", "Advanced search" and "Help" are always shown on the navigation bar.

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Browse by theme

The "Browse by theme" page presents a series of themes selected by the museum.

Each "theme" is represented by a block containing its name and a list of corresponding "topics". Each topic is a link to a group of objects which have been judged particularly representative of the collection or to which the museum wishes to draw your attention.

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Advanced search

The "Advanced search" page allows you to search the collection for objects matching the criteria you define. Each criteria can either be entered directly in the corresponding text input boxes or via an accompanying button (such as a dictionary).

The objects that are returned match all of the criteria that you define on this page. For example, entering the first field's criteria as sculpture and the second field's criteria as Europe will return all of the objects where the first field contains sculpture AND the second field contains Europe.

Instantaneous results calculation

The number of objects corresponding to the search criteria is calculated in real time and shown next to the Display button. To use this functionality, your browser must enable and authorize "JavaScript".

Optimization tips

  • Searching with a single word, for example James, returns all of the objects where the given field's value contains the given word, for example James Coburn .
  • Searching with two or more words, for example Lee Murphy, returns all of the objects where the given field's value contains the given words in any order, for example Murphy Lee Brown .
  • Using a question mark in the criteria will match any letter, for example M?net returns all of the objects where the given field's value contains Monet or Manet.
  • Placing an asterisk at the end of a word criteria, for example Rob*, returns all of the objects where the given field's value contains a word commencing with the given stem, for example Rob or Robert.

Special characters

  • Any question marks ? or asterisks * used at the beginning of any word will be ignored, for example *word is the same as using word.
  • Accented characters, upper case and lower case are not taken into account. For example, Café, returns all of the objects where the given field's value contains café , cafe or CAFE.
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Quick search

The "Quick search" text input box is on the top right hand side of each page, in between the header and the navigation bar. It enables you to quickly search the collection for objects which contain the text in any of the descriptive fields.

Optimisation tips

According to the text you entered, the results of a quick search can vary greatly. These optimisation tips will help you to get the required results:

  • Searching with a single word, for example James, returns all of the objects containing the given word, for example James Coburn .
  • Searching with two or more words, for example Lee Murphy, returns all of the objects containing the given words in any order, for example Murphy Lee Brown .
  • Using a question mark in the criteria will match any letter, for example M?net returns all of the objects containing Monet or Manet.
  • Placing an asterisk at the end of a word criteria, for example Rob*, returns all of the objects containing a word commencing with the given stem, for example Rob or Robert.

Special characters

  • Any question marks ? or asterisks * used at the beginning of any word will be ignored, for example *word is the same as using word.
  • Accented characters, upper case and lower case are not taken into account. For example, Café, returns all of the objects containing café , cafe or CAFE.
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Object details

The "Object details" page describes the properties of a single object.

If possible, the page also presents one or more illustrations of the object. When there is more than one illustration, clicking on one of the smaller images selects the corresponding illustration of the large image. Clicking on the large image or the 'zoom' buttom (the magnifying glass with a '+') opens a popup window containing a full size image of the illustration.

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